söndag 6 oktober 2019

Beer curse

Ever heard of Ranma ½?
Me neither if you had asked me a couple of months ago. Ranma½ is an anime that revolves around a guy that turns into a girl if he get cold water on him. My situation is roughly the same but with beer instead. Warm or cold, beer transforms me into a chick.
It started with a drunk me hitting on a girl at the bar, and she didn't like the drunk me at all. One thing led to another, I called her frigid and hating men and she said that I had no respect towards women when drunk and that she would fix that.
That's at least what my friends say, I don't remember anything of it. I was too hammered.
So a week later, it was Friday evening again, and it was time to spoil myself with a cold one. The same moment the first drops of the golden liquid went down my throat my body turned itself inside out for a second and suddenly I was a girl.
I panicked a lot that evening.

I still love drinking beer but I can never do it at the bars anymore, my friends and other people around me would freak out, so I keep it a secret. I only drink hard liqour when going out nowdays. What I do instead when I want a beer is to make into a happening.
I buy a couple of different brands, start up my gaming console, grab the control and throw up my legs up on the table.
Then I take a first sip of my first beer.
The changes happen instantly and instead of me sitting in the sofa, there's a cute girl.
I take my time and enjoy my beers to the fullest.
Being in a smaller body I can't really tolerate as much alcohol anymore as before so I get kinda tipsy at the end. I can say that more than once I've been relaxed enough to explore my girl body a little bit more. Felt nice.

What changes me back then? Took me a while to figure it out, but a glass of warm milk.