måndag 16 september 2019

Your Choice: Chosing your potion

I pondered my options when looking at the vials of potions in front of me. Regardless which one I chose my life would never be the same again.

My girlfriend Nathalie was looking at me with an expectant look, like she already had figured out which one I had chosen.

"Do you want me to explain what they do to you again?"

I knew full well what they did but I felt I wanted the distraction of her talking. I nodded a yes.

"This is the potion that will lock you into your current form", she stated matter of factly and pointed at a vial which contents looked like water.

"The blue one will restore you to being a guy. Keep in mind that the next transformation potion you drink will be the final one. If you ever drink one more you will probably die, or worse.

I brushed away the hair that had fell in my face when I nodded. The last part ,"or worse", was chaos magic that could change you into any form imaginable if you had too much magic inside of you. There were cases of people living in constant torment because of their everchanging distorted appearance. It could also happen if I didn't drink the final potion within the next 24 hours.

"This green one will affect your mind and body, to a varying degree. I can't exactly say what will happen, magic can be unpredictable. But you will become more female in mind and skills, plus your body will become more endowed", she winked.
It was an interesting prospect. I had talked to Nathalie about how hard it was to act female and now she offered me this. But did if I stayed a woman, did I want to take a shortcut to full womanhood and not experiencing the whole journey on my own?

"The red one will change your race. As I said, magic can be unpredictable. You can change into any race that isn't your current caucasian one. There will be a minor mind alteration here as well when it comes to speech and mannerisms".
I admit it. I was curious of how people of another color experienced life. However I was torn what I would do if I didn't like the life of another race.

"The violet one will turn you into a clone of me". Nathalie grinned. "We would become twin sisters!"
I had always loved Nathalie for her beautiful looks. Even if I was an 9 in my current female body and she an 8, I couldn't  take my eyes off her body and alluring curves.

"Yellow will make you younger. Practically my kid sister"
Getting another ten years to live? That did sound desireable.

"Brown will make you older. Like aunt old".
Nice of her making it for me, but I wondered if sacrificing ten years would be worth it. Would have been interesting being my moms younger sister though.

"The black one is a potent one. Everyone, including yourself, will think you have always been a girl. Your old self will stop to exist. You might remember your old life with deja´vu moments though. And your new life might contain life choices you would´nt had made otherwise".
Tricky. I practically killed myself but I would still live on.

Nathalie exhaled. "Phew! That's about it".
She leaned forward and met my eyes. "Sooo, which one will you chose?" she asked with a smile on her pretty face.

Her rundown of what each potion did had actually helped me remove all my doubts of which one to chose.
I straigthened my back, our gaze still fixed on each other. With one swift motion I grabbed one of the vials and drank it.

Nathalie looked at me with big eyes. "Never thought you would chose that one!"

Which one do you chose?

2 kommentarer:

  1. i went with the brown potion and i love my new mature body

  2. I choose yellow first but after looking I do love the red option
