lördag 30 maj 2020

Public fountain

 "So hot".
 The heat was exhausting to the point that even the public fountain in the park looked inviting to Michelle.

Even though the water wasn´t cool enough it was still a relief to drink and she greedily swallowed every drop.
She didn´t even notice when the black inkling that shot into her mouth, which she also swallowed.

 Michelle felt relieved finally having re-hydrated. She felt good.
But she felt good only for a short while before a mild nausea struck her.
She felt a little bit woozy and had to sit down at the nearest park bench to wait it out. It didn´t help, it was just getting worse.
It was the same sensations as when she was getting severly drunk.
Her boyfriend lived nearby so she sent him a text:
"feel like shit. pavillion in the park."

She felt how her body slowly was going limp and her thoughts was getting mushy. She was scared but was unable to move or alert someone else. To passerbys she just seemed to sleep.

A couple of minutes later she opened up her eyes again, with a smug grin on her face.
She looked down on her body and whispered with badly hidden glee: "Perfect"

"Hey babe! You feel better now?", Caleb asked his girlfriend. He thought Michelle seemed a bit off when he approached but aside from that she seemed physically fine.
She didn´t say anything in response and instead pushed her body tightly against him and pulled down his head for a deep kiss. 
"I feel much better now", she said with an alluring tone in her voice after she broke the kiss. 
She was still pressing her boobs against his stomach and holding her arms around his waist when she asked him if her saviour wanted his reward back at his place.

Feeling his hard dick against her tummy put an impish smile on her face.

fredag 29 maj 2020

Go on

Go on. Tell me how you will expose me after stealing your body.

Face it. I know everything you knew and I will drop your old crap attitude. Everybody will love the new me. 

Nobody will believe you.