tisdag 2 juli 2024

Bodyhopper - Getting lift inside

It was hard to believe that Cassandra Coates, hottest girl in town, would ring my door bell wanting to get in.

It was even harder to believe that Jeremy, a good friend of mine, was a bodyhopper. I thought it all just was an elaborate prank until he crawled out of her mouth. That was the most discomforting shit I had ever seen. And the most fascinating as well.

I bombarded Jeremy with questions on how, when and how it felt, to the point that he figured it was better to show how it felt than trying to describe it.

"Hold my hand", he said with a grin. "We are going in together".


He pried her mouth on her sleeping body and began to crawl inside, with me close behind. The feeling of actually entering someones mouth was like going into a dark, fleshy cave and just aiming for the darkness. When it was as the darkest you saw a light in the distance and instinctively headed towards it. It didn´t take long before the light embraced you and returned you to "reality".


Your body felt strange.

Something tugged on your chest, your ass felt padded and the rest of you felt thin. Long hair obscured your view and a manicured hand pushed back the strands.

"Oh, wow. It actually worked", your mouth said with a feminine giggle. "She´s really tight, you know". Her hands groped her breasts, making myself want to moan in the unexpected pleasure.

She giggled again as if she could hear me. "Alright, I´ll put you in the drivers seat. It will feel a bit strange for a minute".


I felt something deep inside of me pushing their way up my throat. Two hands exited my mouth and pushed it open into an impossible size. In the end a whole grown ass man had left my body. 


 My numb body was slowly beginning to exert control of my limbs and I could start moving around.

Long hair fell down in my face again and this time I was the one pushing it away. My dainty hands roamed Cassandras body, my body, and rewarded me with new sensations. The fullness of her chest. The squishyness of her butt. The emptiness of her crotch. I felt so very light compared to my male body.


Jeremy grinned.

"Imma gonna head out for a while. Perhaps bringing someone new with me. There is more of Cassandras clothing in the bag I brought. See you in a couple of hours. Have fun now!", he said winking.


It dawned on me that I was the hottest girl in town now, and I knew too little about my own body. My clothes left me quickly. It was time to explore.