lördag 27 april 2019

Bikini Beach: Just a shower

That girl Anya in the ticket booth was really cute. There were something special to her, Gregory thought. She had an air of mystery and confidence around her that attracted him to her.

"Shower before entering the pool area"
The rules were quite clear. Who wouldn´t shower anyway. It was a matter of hygiene.

The warm water flowed over his body and soothed his mind.
He felt relaxed. Like time stood still. So he never paid attention to his body changing from male to female.
His new form was shorter and more rounded, with certain features poking out more than the rest.
Even his swimwear changed, from shorts to a pair of bikini panties that snuggled up in betwen his buttcheeks.

Like when snapping a finger Gregory became very aware of his new body.
A very startled female left the shower and began to look for help.
"Ahem", a voice said behind Gregory. He turned around and saw an old lady holding up a bikini bra at him.
"We do not allow topless bathing at Bikini Beach", she said with a stern voice that demanded command. 
"Thanks", Gregory said meekly and put it on like he had done it his whole life.

"I can see that you wonder what happened."
Gregory nodded.
"I´ve created Bikini Beach as a safe haven for women to escape the leers of men. As long as you are here you will be a member of womanhood, and you will transform back a couple of hours after when your ticket expire."
She added with a darling smile: "Until then, enjoy the park", and walked out.

Gregory stood dumbfounded at the exit from the showers into the park. He looked down and concluded that he was definately a female. A very hot one by his standards as well.
The old lady was right though. Women probably needed a safe haven. And now for the time being he was one of them. So why not make the most of his time here and actually do enjoy the park.
If anything it would be a very enlightning experience on how the other half lived their life.

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