tisdag 2 juli 2024

Bodyhopper - Getting lift inside

It was hard to believe that Cassandra Coates, hottest girl in town, would ring my door bell wanting to get in.

It was even harder to believe that Jeremy, a good friend of mine, was a bodyhopper. I thought it all just was an elaborate prank until he crawled out of her mouth. That was the most discomforting shit I had ever seen. And the most fascinating as well.

I bombarded Jeremy with questions on how, when and how it felt, to the point that he figured it was better to show how it felt than trying to describe it.

"Hold my hand", he said with a grin. "We are going in together".


He pried her mouth on her sleeping body and began to crawl inside, with me close behind. The feeling of actually entering someones mouth was like going into a dark, fleshy cave and just aiming for the darkness. When it was as the darkest you saw a light in the distance and instinctively headed towards it. It didn´t take long before the light embraced you and returned you to "reality".


Your body felt strange.

Something tugged on your chest, your ass felt padded and the rest of you felt thin. Long hair obscured your view and a manicured hand pushed back the strands.

"Oh, wow. It actually worked", your mouth said with a feminine giggle. "She´s really tight, you know". Her hands groped her breasts, making myself want to moan in the unexpected pleasure.

She giggled again as if she could hear me. "Alright, I´ll put you in the drivers seat. It will feel a bit strange for a minute".


I felt something deep inside of me pushing their way up my throat. Two hands exited my mouth and pushed it open into an impossible size. In the end a whole grown ass man had left my body. 


 My numb body was slowly beginning to exert control of my limbs and I could start moving around.

Long hair fell down in my face again and this time I was the one pushing it away. My dainty hands roamed Cassandras body, my body, and rewarded me with new sensations. The fullness of her chest. The squishyness of her butt. The emptiness of her crotch. I felt so very light compared to my male body.


Jeremy grinned.

"Imma gonna head out for a while. Perhaps bringing someone new with me. There is more of Cassandras clothing in the bag I brought. See you in a couple of hours. Have fun now!", he said winking.


It dawned on me that I was the hottest girl in town now, and I knew too little about my own body. My clothes left me quickly. It was time to explore.

söndag 30 juni 2024

The Stranger - Crashing the bachelor party

The bachelor party was in full swing at the pool area with the slightly intoxicated participants doing their best handing out booze to the groom, eating food and soon the stripper was about to make an entrance. They had a good time but it was just about to change when an unknown man entered the party.

He was wearing dark clothes and had a smirk on his face that made people dislike him the second they saw him. 

The two guys that hosted the party looked confused at each other and shook their heads. None of them had invited the stranger that had walked in with such malicious confidence. 

"Hey dude. It´s a private party. We rented the place and we need you to leave", they said when they approached him.

The Stranger looked amused. "Oh, I can assure you that I am very much invited to any party I wish to attend. Do tell me, what do we celebrate this time?", he said with a grin.

The hosts was just about to tell him to get lost but they kinda felt compelled to tell him. "It´s a bachelor party", they said in unison. "For that drunk guy over there".

The Stranger looked delighted. And his delight was elevated even further when he saw the stripper walking in, ready to put on a show.

"Gentlemen", he bellowed, "the star of the party has just arrived!"

The guys around the pool began to wolf whistle and cheer when they saw the well endowed girl making herself ready.

"Me!", he continued, and all the guys began to boo instead. 

"Don´t move!", he commanded and everyone stopped what they were doing and stood absolutely still.

The Stranger sauntered around and inspected them, finding his way to the groom.

He looked at him like he was contemplating something. "Turn into your fiance", he commanded and within a the blink of an eye there were an attractive brunette standing where the groom had been standing. The rest of you will turn into your dream partner.

In an instant the seven guys became a bunch of beautiful women. And the stripper a man.

The Stranger smiled.

"You there, the new guy", he called out to the now male stripper; "Has it not been boring being the one entertaining the guys? How about they entertain you for a change?" The stripper stammered "Y-yeah. That would have been n-nice. I feel like a piece of meat when they looks at me".

The Stranger looked satisfied. "Entertaining the meat it is", he said and snapped his fingers. The stripper felt how her dick began to stiffen until it was rock hard and she felt how her lust increased immensly. 

"All in one line now. Suck the dick vigoursouly until he comes, then go back into the line. When he comes, you come. And I want the groom first to be first".

Seven male minds screamed out in terror when their female bodies began to get aroused and moving by themselves into an orderly line. "To relieve boredom waiting on your turn, lick the cunt of the one in front of you but I will not allow you to have an orgasm. Just more arousal", The Stranger commanded.

The groom began to suck the strippers dick, slurping and deep throating like a pornstar. It didn´t take long before the stripper came in the grooms mouth where the new she swallowed the whole load. She moaned loudly as pleasure wrecked her body.

Enhanced by the Strangers powers the male stripper was ready to go again seconds after emptying his ballsack into her mouth.

The former groom was on her way to the back of the line when The Stranger beckoned her to come. "What is your name?", he asked. "Mikael"                                                                                               "And your fiance?"                                                                                   "Emma"                                                                                        The Stranger smiled. "Your name is from now on Emma. And I want you to act like a really slutty version of her. You are absolutely infatuated of lust for me" 

 A wide and mischevious smile appeared on the new Emma´s face. Her wide hips sashayed from side to side when she led The Stranger to a deck chair. She pulled back her hair and began to suck his cock just like the real Emma would have done, but better.

On the other side of the pool six girls and taking turns of sucking off a hung man to the soft murmur of moans and gasps, coming into a crescendo from time to time when two of them come at the same time.

torsdag 4 april 2024

Mannequin Wand: The Family Gathering

"Holy fuck. I`m Clara! I never thought the Mannequin Wand would actually work!"

"At least not until she totally froze up after I zapped her with it"

"For a moment I actually thought she would turn around when I touched her, but the scroll was correct. I was just sucked into her and took over".

"This is so awesome! I must show this to my cousin. Probably need to send a picture so he will believe me"

- Hey Noah! Look who figured out the wand. Meet me outside the recption hall" -

- Mitch -


"I´ll tell you, it is great being Clara! Everyone is nice to her and her body is banging! And my tits and ass felt really good when you fondled them."

Mitch made an impish smile and looked out at the large family gathering with close to two houndred people attending. "So Noah. Have you picked on yet?"

"Are you kidding me? You know I´ve always wanted to touch Rebecca´s boobs. I want her", Noah said with a leer and pointed at a young blonde woman at the bar.

The smile on Clara´s face grew wider. "No problem. I´ll lure her to the bathrooms and I´ll zap her there. Just stand ready outside and then jump into her when I give the signal".

Noah nodded and rushed away to his position.


"Niiice! We look great together"

Noah pouted with her mouth and snapped another selfie. 

"I love this. How long do you think we can stay like inside them?"

"Aside from that we must go back to our families as ourselves? As long as we want", Mitch giggled.

Noah leaned forward and placed her hand softly on Mitch´s bum and whispered in her ear: "Excellent. What do you say about going back to our rooms and undress together? 

 Mitch needed no more persuasion than that.

onsdag 3 april 2024

Sharing the shapeshifting



The boy and a young woman sat in the room of a young teen. On the walls there were posters of various bands, in the corner a tv with a console demanded attention. The bed was unkempt and piles of clothes was dotted across the room.

“Come on! Try it!”, Gregory told the young woman; “It worked on the gerbil, why shouldn´t it work on me? You can´t shut me out from this you know. I want to try it too”.
The young woman tried to explain that it wasn´t really the same. A human is much bigger and way more complex than a gerbil, the chance for error is way greater.
The boy snorted. “You will try it sooner or later anyway. Come on! Pleeeease!”
She sighed. “Alright. But you must stay absolutely still. What did you have in mind?”.
“The one from yesterday!”. He had already made up his mind what he wanted to look like
The woman sighed. “Here we go then. Remember to stay absolutely still”.

The woman rippled into gelatinous form and collapsed into a puddle of goo. The goo was still for a couple of seconds before it began to stir and move towards the boy.
Tendrils crept up his leg and the rest of the goo followed, covering his body in a thin layer of of what looked like Jell-O. One of the tendrils crept into his ass, which made the boy jump in suprise. The goo on his legs stiffened up as if to send him a message to stand still.
“Right. Standing still”, he said aloud.
The tendril went into his dick he stood his ground, gritted his teeth and remained completely still. After a while the movements actually started to feel good. 

His friend went into his mouth and nose. It was quite uncomfortable but he persisted. More and more of his body was covered until every inch of him had a thin layer of goo

“Ready?”. The mental message from his friend echoed in his head.
“Do it!”. The boy said and could barely contain his excitement.

The goo began to constrict all of his body all at once.
“It´s just so I can bond with your body”, his friend calmed through their link.
The sensation of constriction soon faded and was replaced with the sensation of expansion instead. He grew a foot taller and his butt expanded considerabely. His thin boy arms muscled up a little, but not much and had a bit more fat added to them. His legs and thighs got bigger with more muscles and fat as well.
The hair grew from his scalp in a fast pace and was collected in a horse tail. A big difference from his usual short cut hair.
His face felt like it danced as it changed its shape. The lips was puffed up and his nose changed shape.
In his groin his already small dick became even smaller and continued to shrink until it seemed like it was swallowed by an emerging hole.
His chest tingled and two orbs of flesh expanded outwards and never seemed to stop.

“Wow”, the former boy whispered to himself with a dulcet voice and cupped his breasts “It worked!”
His friend in goo form flowed off his now female body and was soon formed into a puddle of goo once again.
From that puddle a new form arose. A boy, seemingly the same age as Gregory, appeared. After he had solidified he was leaning on the wall and panted heavily.
“You….*pant*…have no idea….*pant*…how hard….*pant*…that was”. He made a series of deep inhales to catch his breath. 

The newly formed woman shifted her forcues from the inspection of her body towards her friend: “Thanks Ollie!”, she exclaimed and then returned to the adventure of discovering herself.
Ollie´s breathing was more steady now. “Yo! Ollie to planet Greg!”. Ollie waves his hand in front of Greg´s face. “You are hereby a woman. Now what?”
She gave him a sly smile. “Remember that adult film we saw last month?”.
“How could I forget?”, Ollie answered, “It´s that porno`s fault that I´ve turned into a whole bunch of women for the past few weeks”.
“Remember the part with the man and the woman in the shower? Ever since I saw that I wanted to know why she thought it felt so great. She really seemed like she enjoyed it. But I need a man if you catch my drift”.
“Oh”. Ollie fully understood what his friend wanted of him. “Give me a minute”.

On a mattress on the floor in a boys room, two adults, one male and one female, were engaged in a very steamy session of sexual intercourse. The male pounded the girl with all of his might and the girl parted her legs wide to give him the best possible angle of penetration. 

She writhed and squirmed underneath him, moaning in carnal ectstasy and pleasure, and the man enjoyed the power he felt dominating the woman underneath him working his cock in and out of her tight pussy.

tisdag 2 april 2024

Medallion of Zulo – The sister


Zack dumped his bike on the driveway to Adam´s house and ran up the path leading to the front door. He knocked fervently on the big wooden door until Adam opened up and dragged him in.

Zack panted heavily when he asked Adam why he had to come to his house as if his life depended on it.

Adam gave him a sheepish look and stumbled on the words.
“I kinda…
“…my sister…”
“…into a gerbil.”

“What? You lured me away from home, making me lying to my mom about a sleepover at your house, just so you mess with me? Zack was pissed.

“You will have to trust me! I accidentaly turned my sister into a gerbil to shut her up but I can´t turn her back before my parents comes back home. I will be in deep shit if she isn´t here when they come back home.

“If this is true, turn into her yourself”, Zack retorted.

“Who do think will be in even bigger shit if I´m not here? Me!”
“Don´t question. Just go into her room, close the door and pick up the medallion that´s on her dress on the bed. She had it on earlier.  Hold it tight until the transformation is complete, I need you to impersonate her and holding it a long time will make you act more like her”.

Zack was still doubtful that all of this was true, but he did as he was asked.
He entered Isabel´s room and saw a colorful dress on her bed, and on it was a small, beaten medallion.
“Here goes nothing”, he thought when picking it up.
The medallion zapped him as he touched it. “Ouch!”

“Hold it tight, huh?”
It wasn´t noticeable at first but the room was starting to get smaller to him. Before figuring out what was happening he had grown three inches already.
He whispered to himself in amazement: “No way! I`m changing into her”
 His boyish body began to take on definite feminine traits as his hair changed color and grew longer, and he was getting the shape of a teenage girl as his body matured a couple of years.

On the other side of the door Adam paced back and forth nervously. “Thirty minutes. He should be done by now”.
He heard the door opened up behind him and turned around to see his sister enter the hallway from her room. Or to be more precise, seeing Zack as his sister entering the hallway.
“Phew. You had me worried there for a while”, Adam sighed in relief.
“Shut it twerp”, then he realized what she had said to him. “Sorry, it just came to me”.
“Yeah, you will act a lot like her, just so you know”.
“It feels freaky. I know I´m in her body but I feel just like I´m normal, you know?”
“I´m kinda counting on it”, Adam said.

Adam and Isabel´s parents  came home just a mere hour after Zack had transformed to Isabel. They questioned their daughter on the behaviour of her brother while they had been gone. Satisfied with the answers they began to redy themselves and their kids for bed.

“Now what?”, Zack/Isabel hissed to Adam.
“We will have to wait before we can turn you back. You will have to sleep as her until tomorrow”, Adam hissed back.
“I`m seriously regretting this”, Zack said, using the kind of vocabulary that Isabel used.
He headed back to her room and put on her silk nightgown, enjoying the smooth feeling it had against his skin. After crawling in betwen the covers he turned off the light and went off to sleep, looking forward to the day after so he could turn back.


An awful ruckus from the hallway outside her door wake her up. “What´s that little shit doing now?”, she thought of her brother….,friend he corrected herself.
 Zack put on a robe and opened the door to see what the commotion was all about. He saw two small boys, one was Adam and one was…herself? Heisface paled as if he had seen a ghost.

Adam saw himand beckoned both her and “Zack” to come with him into her room. He had that sheepish look again.
“I betcha you wanna know why your body is here too”, he began.
“Humor me”, he said with crossed arms and a stern look on his face.
“I kinda needed a “Zack” so I took my gerbil and transformed him into you”, Adam explained.
“Wait, what? Why not using Isabel?”
“She would just mess things up”, Adam said matter of factly. “Lil´ George here is still adjusting to being human. Give him a couple of hours and he will act just like you”.

`Isabel´ felt how anger welled up inside of her. She felt betrayed. Adam acted recklessly, just as usual.
She began to yell at him to grow up and act more mature. She was sick and tired of his antics. One more time and she would tell mom and dad.  Adam just stood there silent and brooded.

“Fine!”, he snapped back, “If you want to act like her you can stay like her!”, and ran off to his room with Isabel/Zack in hot pursuit.
Adam managed to lock the door before he could force his way in. She was pounding on the heavy wooden contruction with her fists, demanding to be let in, when she heard a flush.
“Oh no, he didn´t!”, a horrified thought came to him.

The lock to the door clicked open and an spiteful Adam exited his room.
`Isabel´ felt how her limbs got weak in despair. She would be stuck as the sister to her former best frien for the rest of her life.

lördag 22 maj 2021


 What would you do if you got a Magical Transformation Remote?
Perhaps changing one of your friends into a hot woman?
One with massive breasts and great figure.
One that ooze sex and when she talks her husky voice makes you hard instantly.
A woman that will so pleasing to your eye that you never want to stop looking at her or ever to part from her.

Imagine that woman.
Then imagine the total control you would have over her. How smart she is. To control what she likes and what she wants to do with you, and more importantly, to you.
Imagine making yourself to become the most important person in the world for just one individual.

Meet Danni, former Daniel.
I did all of these things to him.
And she is my ultimate playtoy of pleasure now.