söndag 30 juni 2024

The Stranger - Crashing the bachelor party

The bachelor party was in full swing at the pool area with the slightly intoxicated participants doing their best handing out booze to the groom, eating food and soon the stripper was about to make an entrance. They had a good time but it was just about to change when an unknown man entered the party.

He was wearing dark clothes and had a smirk on his face that made people dislike him the second they saw him. 

The two guys that hosted the party looked confused at each other and shook their heads. None of them had invited the stranger that had walked in with such malicious confidence. 

"Hey dude. It´s a private party. We rented the place and we need you to leave", they said when they approached him.

The Stranger looked amused. "Oh, I can assure you that I am very much invited to any party I wish to attend. Do tell me, what do we celebrate this time?", he said with a grin.

The hosts was just about to tell him to get lost but they kinda felt compelled to tell him. "It´s a bachelor party", they said in unison. "For that drunk guy over there".

The Stranger looked delighted. And his delight was elevated even further when he saw the stripper walking in, ready to put on a show.

"Gentlemen", he bellowed, "the star of the party has just arrived!"

The guys around the pool began to wolf whistle and cheer when they saw the well endowed girl making herself ready.

"Me!", he continued, and all the guys began to boo instead. 

"Don´t move!", he commanded and everyone stopped what they were doing and stood absolutely still.

The Stranger sauntered around and inspected them, finding his way to the groom.

He looked at him like he was contemplating something. "Turn into your fiance", he commanded and within a the blink of an eye there were an attractive brunette standing where the groom had been standing. The rest of you will turn into your dream partner.

In an instant the seven guys became a bunch of beautiful women. And the stripper a man.

The Stranger smiled.

"You there, the new guy", he called out to the now male stripper; "Has it not been boring being the one entertaining the guys? How about they entertain you for a change?" The stripper stammered "Y-yeah. That would have been n-nice. I feel like a piece of meat when they looks at me".

The Stranger looked satisfied. "Entertaining the meat it is", he said and snapped his fingers. The stripper felt how her dick began to stiffen until it was rock hard and she felt how her lust increased immensly. 

"All in one line now. Suck the dick vigoursouly until he comes, then go back into the line. When he comes, you come. And I want the groom first to be first".

Seven male minds screamed out in terror when their female bodies began to get aroused and moving by themselves into an orderly line. "To relieve boredom waiting on your turn, lick the cunt of the one in front of you but I will not allow you to have an orgasm. Just more arousal", The Stranger commanded.

The groom began to suck the strippers dick, slurping and deep throating like a pornstar. It didn´t take long before the stripper came in the grooms mouth where the new she swallowed the whole load. She moaned loudly as pleasure wrecked her body.

Enhanced by the Strangers powers the male stripper was ready to go again seconds after emptying his ballsack into her mouth.

The former groom was on her way to the back of the line when The Stranger beckoned her to come. "What is your name?", he asked. "Mikael"                                                                                               "And your fiance?"                                                                                   "Emma"                                                                                        The Stranger smiled. "Your name is from now on Emma. And I want you to act like a really slutty version of her. You are absolutely infatuated of lust for me" 

 A wide and mischevious smile appeared on the new Emma´s face. Her wide hips sashayed from side to side when she led The Stranger to a deck chair. She pulled back her hair and began to suck his cock just like the real Emma would have done, but better.

On the other side of the pool six girls and taking turns of sucking off a hung man to the soft murmur of moans and gasps, coming into a crescendo from time to time when two of them come at the same time.

1 kommentar:

  1. I love the stranger stories :)
    Hope we will get some more!
