söndag 7 juni 2020

Great Shift: Captains chair

Henry sighed. The day had begun so good. He had sweet talked a couple of girls into coming with him and his friends on his boat for a small cruise.
Then the Great Shift happened. It was utter chaos. 

Two of his friends were gone , their bodies was inhabited by one of the girls they had brought along and a girl from India. The third friends body had been taken over by some french guy. The guy that wasn´t swapped away from the boat was in my body now.

Three of the girls was also gone. One of them didn´t speak English, but it sounded like Chinese and she touched herself a lot. 
The second one was a housewife from the other side of the country, who seemed to relish the chance to start over with a young body again.
The third girl was me. 
When the shift happened she was in the process of undressing to have sex with on of my buddies. Henry was glad that the Shift didn´t happen a minute later. 
He had to rush to the steering wheel in panties only to gain control of his boat again.

He felt exposed and he was cold but it was far too dangerous to leave the bridge at the moment. Maybe when things calmed down later on.


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