söndag 28 april 2019

At one time...

Her body screamed of seduction, even more so when giving me that alluring look of thinly veiled desire over her shoulder.
 At one time she had been his best male friend Mark.

It was all a freak incident though, involving a magical artifact that my wife had bought at an auction. Of course we had no knowledge that it even was magical. It looked old and that was that.
One of them bumped it over from the shelf when they stood talking, and it shattered when it hit the floor in a great cloud of smoke.
When the smoke had cleared they were in each other body and both of them was panicking.
We decided to keep up appearances but in the end my wife couldn´t take it. She couldn´t continue  living Mark´s life, she needed to make it her own. So she moved away. We still keep in touch though. She apparently have a boyfriend now.

Mark on the other hand accepted his femininity to the fullest, even surpassing my former wife in that matter.
I was surprised when I admitted to myself that I liked this version of Theresa better than before the incident. 
Every day is an adventure with her. She is truly my best friend, and a compassionate and curious lover.

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