fredag 26 april 2019


"I agree. This isn´t really what I had in mind when I tried out these manscaping products, but boy did the deliver!"

Rick nodded in a startled agreement and had a hard time to take his eyes off Jeremy´s cleavage that was generously presented to him.
 "And now you want me to use them too?"

"You´ll love it!", Jeremy beamed, sounding slightly ditzy.

He furrowed his forehead in thoughts. He didn´t want to become a girl, but how could he use the situation to his advantage.
"Tell you what", he began, "Let´s go on a date together so I can see for myself how you handle being a girl".

Jeremy got a suprised expression at first, then a giddy expression when she realized she had been asked out on her very first date.

It worked out really well. The evening ended with us having sex and she loved it. We are a couple now. She took the name of Brandi and never bothered me with manscaping products ever again.


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