söndag 17 februari 2019

Bodyhopper: Hooters

"G´day sir, and welcome to Hooters! Do you wanna grab a bite or have something from the bar?", Michelle greeted the burly man.

He patiently looked around the restaurant before answering.
"Slow day today, eh?", he said with a lazy smile.

"It´s still early on the day. The rush wont begin until an hour or so".
"So what do you wanna have?", she smiled with her brightest smile like a good hostess should.

He eyed her up and down, and it sent chills through her spine. But she did her best to mask her her discomfort towards him.
 "You know what? I´ve always enjoyed the...ehem...meat they have here", he said lecherously.
 "I´ll have the smoked wings".

"Coming right up!", she chirped and turned away from him, happy getting the opportunity to move away from his prescense.

Michelle didn´t even manage two steps before she felt something akin to a icy cold shower hit her back. She gasped at the sudden and discomforting sensation.

The chill spread to her every limb and her peripheral vision steadily became narrower and narrower, until she let her mind go and everything turned black.

 "This is what I`m talking about!", Burt exclaimed victoriously with Michelles dulcet voice when looking down his mounts generous cleavage.
 "They´re natural. And heavy", he said when weighing them in his dainty hands. Burt always have had a soft spot for young busty women and that was why he liked Hooters. It was like ordering from the menu when seeing the waitresses strut around and show off their bodies.
 And now came the fun part.

Burt assumed his bodys Michelle persona and began to work, greeting new customers and serving tables.
 He loved the attention from men his female body gave him and he made sure his guests would get an "accidental" brush of his breasts every now and then when helping them. A little wink there and biting a lip there raked in wads of tips to him.

He continued to do this until his shift was over and he went home to his mounts apartment, where en ransacked her closets for something suitably slinky to wear.
His goal was to find someone to help him vent all of his sexual frustrations during the night.

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