torsdag 10 september 2020

Going lengths

"Uhm. You are Brody, right?", I awkwardly asked the man that had been my crush for several months now. My body tingled from all the nervousness and I couldn´t help playing with my long hair.
His eyes had already measured me from head to toe when I approached him and I noticed a small but confident smile on his lips now when I was talking to him.
"I am indeed", he said and flashed his amazing smile. "May I ask what name a beautiful woman like you have?", he said with a wink.
"I´m Emma". Even a simple answer like that made it feel like I had butterflies in my stomach. This was the first time I actually used my new name for real. I must have had a silly smile on my face but I did ignite his interest in me.
"Hi Emma. Do you come here often? Can´t remember seeing you around".
"I´ve been here. But I´ve kept to myself out of sight. Doesn´t really like crowds y´know".
All of what I had said had been true, but the reason he has never seen Emma before was because she didn´t exist until last week.
My name hade been Dylan up until recently and Brody was everything I wanted in a partner. Good looking, funny, smart, kind. I could go on and on about him. 
But there was just one problem; he was straight.
So I had to adapt.

I stalked him on social media, spied on him in his home and tried to be nearby when he was around. The man was still single because he was searching for the perfect woman. So bit by bit I figured out what kind of woman he wanted. 
When I had everything I needed I managed to get into contact with a witches coven that promised that they would deliver what I wanted.
And so they did.
I went from a tall and lanky guy into a tall athletic blonde with all the curves in the right places. My teeth straightened out and my eyesight became a perfect 20/20.
A bit of practice back home on how to be a woman, and I was ready to meet Brody.
And here we are.

Brody looked down at my body again. I felt so exposed by his wandering eyes but it actually felt good in a sense. I knew he liked what he saw.
"Really? I must have been blind missing a beauty like you".
Oh my god. My cheeks blushed.
"How about we go for a coffee so we can learn about each other? I know a place nearby".
It´s happening! It´s happening!
"Sure! I would love to!". All of me felt so happy now and it showed. My face had its biggest smile ever plastered all over it and my whole body tingled in anticipation.
He would be mine.

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