tisdag 6 augusti 2019

Reversal Rings: Engagement

It had been a delightful deceit. One of the engagement rings he had sold to the man was a Reversal Ring, and he kept the second one for himself.
The man was everything the old wrinkled jeweller longed to be. Tall, athletic, good looking and well mannered. Considering the brands of the clothes he wore he seemed to have a substantial bank account as well. He explained in detail how he would propose to his beautiful girlfriend during their third day on an island in
Mauritius on the other side of the world.
The jeweller made sure to give him a discount just to be sure he bought them.

The jeweller had taken the proper precautions to start a new life as a young man again, even if it meant his old body had to go.
A massive does of sleeping pills in a remote cabin, far from any communication and electricity would take care of that.
 He swallowed the last of the pills and hid the bottle. 
It was the day after their engagement and it should be early morning over there by now.
The ring gleamed in the light from the candle that lit up the darkness. His heart pounded fiercly when he pressed it over his finger.

"What a rush!"
The world was still spinning but he was apparently lying down so it wasn´t much of a problem. 
He  felt young again! Vitalized! He felt...long hair?
"That didn´t sound right", he thought.
Coming to think of it, aside from feeling young again he didn´t feel like he remembered when he was young himself once.
Oh no! It couldn´t be...
He opened his eyes and gazed down on his female body.
"No no no no", frantically muttered under his breath.
"Why is she wearing the bigger ring?"
His body felt alien with the protruding breasts and wide hips,
albeit the sunkissed parts of his body felt remarkle nice. 
The skin was so soft.
It was too late now to change back anyway. The deed was done.
Change of plans, that´s all.
Who knows, maybe it would be great being a woman?

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